11 Signs of a Soul Tie & How to Break Them

Medically reviewed By Angela Welch, LMFT English
Soul Tie

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Have you ever met a person and felt that he/she is made for you? Are you so connected with any one that you feel like your inner soul is linked with them? Actually, the vibe you are feeling is very real, which is why it is important to learn about soul ties. Soul ties are believed to be an emotional and spiritual connection that develops between individuals. Read below to know the signs of soul ties and how to break them if it is unhealthy:

" "Soul ties are powerful emotional and spiritual connections that can uplift or drain you. Recognize the signs of healthy and unhealthy ties—prioritize self-awareness, healing, and boundaries. Embrace positive connections and release toxic ones. Nurture your inner peace and transform your life by fostering meaningful, balanced soul ties.""

What Is a Soul Tie?

Before going deeper, first understand “what is a soul tie?” It is a strong connection that you may feel for a person. The soul tie consumes your mind and body, and you are into them physically, mentally, or emotionally. This connection will be more special than with any other person as it will have an everlasting impact on you.

5 Types of Soul Ties

Here’s a brief explanation of 5 important types of soul ties:

·   Sexual Soul Tie: Sexual soul ties develop after the couples get intimate physically.

·   Emotional Soul Tie: It occurs if you are emotionally attached to a person.

·   Spiritual Soul Tie: It is a spiritual connection formed with a person in a deep mind.

·   Protective Soul Tie: A protective soul tie is with a person who comes to your rescue whenever you are in trouble.

·   Permanent Soul Tie: This tie occurs with individuals who are willing to be in partnership or in marriage.

Causes of Soul Ties

Now, learn about what causes soul ties:

·   Emotional Bonding: Strong emotional connections like love between a friend or family member play an important role in forming soul ties.

·   Physical Intimacy: Being in romantic or sexual relationships is a powerful force that forms soul ties.

·   Shared Experiences: Shared experiences, which can be positive or negative, can play a role in forming soul ties.

·   Covenantal Commitments: Commitments like promises, vows, or covenants made can create soul ties.

·   Spiritual Connections: Shared spiritual practices, beliefs, or experiences can form soul ties.

Signs You Might Have a Soul Tie

Here are the 11 important signs of soul ties:

·   You Feel a Deep Connection

When you feel a deep connection with a person, then it is a sign that you have a soul tie with them. The connection you feel may be instinctual, and you may not be able to express the connection to someone else.

·   You Are Obsessed with Them

If you spend all your days thinking about them, like what they are up to, how they are, and how you feel a deep connection with them, then they may be your soul tie.

·   You Always Look Forward for Their Approval

When you have a soul tie with a person, before making any decision, you may consider what they would say or think. You would place more emphasis on meeting their standard, and this approval means a lot to you.

·   You Feel Your Life Became More Beautiful

When you are in soul tie with a person you may feel like your life has become more beautiful than before. You may feel you are happier when you are with them.

·   You Get Afraid When You Feel Like You Lose Them

You may act in extreme ways if you think that they may move on from you or grapple with a question that are soul ties real? What makes it even more special is that you may not have experienced this feeling before.

·   You Consider Them as Part of Your Life

If you are so attached to a person and feel that they are part of you, then that person may be your soul tie. You feel immensely satisfied and happy when you are with them.

·   You Feel Unique in Their Relationship

You may feel like you share something special with that person that cannot be explained with words. And you enjoy everything that comes with the relationship.

·   You Prioritize Them Before Anything

You start neglecting other relationships and feel at the center of the universe when you are with them. You lose interest in social life, hobbies, and other activities.

·   You May Feel Insecure

You always feel insecure that you may not be enough for them. You might feel lacking in many aspects that might affect your self-confidence.

·   You Have Perfect Timing with Them

They might have probably entered your life when you are difficult phase or challenging time and you consider your relation with them as life-changing.

·   You Always Use Them as a Benchmark

You find yourself as using that person as a yardstick to compare and measure every other relationship when you have a soul tie with a person.

Ways to Break a Soul Tie

Know how to break a soul tie if you have a toxic relationship:

·   Awareness and intention: First, be aware of the unhealthy soul tie and set the intention to come out of it.

·   Energetic clearing: Use techniques such as visualization, meditation, or energy healing to break the soul tie.

·   Forgiveness: Practice forgiveness towards yourself and the person you have a soul tie.

·   Disconnect yourself: Do not look back once you decide to break ties with them.

·   Get professional help: If you struggle more to break the soul tie than you anticipated, then get professional help.

·   Setting boundaries: Set a clear boundary with the person who is contributing to the unhealthy soul tie.

·   Gratitude and release: Express your gratitude for the things learned from the soul tie, and then release it with compassion and love.

·   Remove any reminders: Remove any reminders like personal objects that your soul tie gave previously.

·   Engage in new activities: When toxic soul ties end, invest your time in new activities.


When you compare soul tie vs love, soul tie can be more intense than love, so it can be both healthy and unhealthy. Healthy soul ties can promote growth for both, while unhealthy ties can increase dependency and become toxic. So, if you feel that you are in an unhealthy soul tie, then break it as soon as possible.

Soul ties are deep emotional and spiritual bonds that can positively or negatively affect your life. Recognizing healthy versus unhealthy ties is crucial. By practicing self-awareness, setting boundaries, and embracing healing, you can transform your relationships and nurture inner peace.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a soul tie?

A soul tie is a strong connection that you may feel for a person, and it can be physical, mental, or emotional.

What causes a soul tie?

Emotional bonding, physical intimacy, shared experiences, and spiritual connections plays an important role in forming a soul tie.

What do you do if it is difficult to break a soul tie?

If you struggle more to break the soul tie, then you can get professional help.

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