Love, understanding, and commitment are the key pillars of a successful relationship. In an effort to realize this mission, aim at equipping couples with the necessary resources and insights for the venture of building and nurturing a satisfying and enjoyable marriage or relationship.
An unhealthy relationship is when a person keeps doing something that goes against their best interests. Such relationships usually have things like bad communication, distrust, quarrels, etc.; sometimes it’s emotional abuse and at other times it’s physical abuse. In such partnerships, there could be feelings of manipulation on one side or lack of attention on the other side leading to distress and low self-esteem.
To fix an unhealthy relationship, you need to identify these patterns and find ways to change them like talking openly about all issues between you two people involved or seeking professional help at therapy clinics where you can talk more privately about everything that bothers you. At times it may take termination for someone to remain fit so he/she won’t suffer on his/her behalf but stay sane. In this regard, the best partnership is instead built upon common respect and assistance.
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